The city chosen to host the “One Ocean” summit in early 2022

Emmanuel Macron had made the announcement in early September during his visit to Marseille. In early 2022, France will host an international summit called “One Ocean”. In competition with other cities to host it, Brest will host this event which will bring together scientists, economic and regional players under the aegis of the United Nations.

During this “first international summit on oceans and seas”, it will be a question of working to “complete international law”, indicated Richard Ferrand, member of Parliament for Finistère and president of the National Assembly. The city, a center of excellence in the study and development of the seas, hosted in 2019 the presidents of the assemblies of the G7 member countries, who adopted a joint declaration emphasizing “the urgency” to protect the oceans as than “common good”.

The thorny issue of international waters

Beyond 200 nautical miles from the coast (approximately 370 km), international waters start, an area which “belongs to nobody and everyone”, explains Richard Ferrand, according to whom “the discussions have been skating for sixty years”. “The President of the Republic wishes that this surface of the oceans does not become a zone of lawlessness, with illegal fishing, a zone of geopolitical predation and a disaster for biodiversity and science”, he added. .

A United Nations conference on the oceans is also scheduled for 2022 in Lisbon. The Brest summit will be able to “prepare and feed” this meeting.

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