the channel has fun with this symptomatic moment of the writing of a JT

“Random in the streets of Val-de-Marne this morning, several stations out of at least one fuel”, launches the voice-over of a report by the 1 p.m. of TF1 on the fuel shortage. If Total blocks prices at 1.99 euros per liter, regardless of the type of fuel, it is not easy to find a service station to supply your vehicle. “These fuels still need to be available. This gentleman came for unleaded 98”, continues the voice in commentary.

Microphone pointed in front of him, gas guns to his right, a man with a bald head appears in profile in front of the camera. He turns around: “I called before coming and he said yes, sir. “There are no more,” interrupts the journalist. “What do you mean, there aren’t any more?” But he told me yes. “O surprise, the “gentleman” in question is none other than the singer Michel Jonasz, interpreter of the titles The Jazz Box Or blues players. Neither in the voiceover of the report, nor in the mouth of Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, back on the set of the television news a few seconds later, is there any mention of the notoriety of the singer, finally passed incognito in the report.

However, the sequence did not escape Internet users who were massively amused by this moment of TV on social networks.

TF1 winks at the singer

Contacted by 20 minutes, the chain confirms that the journalist and the JRI, elderly in charge of the subject, aged 23 and 27, did not recognize the singer. She specifies that the physical and logistical constraints of preparing the subjects for the midday also make their work complex as the deadlines are limited with subjects sometimes put together at the last minute. At no time during filming did the 76-year-old artist say who he was.

This does not mean that no one recognized him at the TF1 tower. Because before being broadcast, each subject is viewed by the editor-in-chief of the JT, Romain Hussenot. If he recognized the singer, he did not see fit to specify his identity for viewers. Because the identity of the septuagenarian does not change anything in his testimony since he is a motorist like any other, affected by the shortage of fuels. “In the absence of certainty”, the channel preferred to refrain from naming Michel Jonasz.

If the sequence also made people smile in the corridors of the Bouygues group chain, we assure you that this does not mean that information meetings are taken lightly. However, the anecdote also shows that between old and new generations of journalists, references can be different.

As a final nod to the singer, the editorial staff of 13 ha concluded a subject on the first baths at sea over the Easter weekend by Holidays by the sea. “The season can start. And as Michel Jonasz sang: “On the beach by the sea, we took on beautiful colors.” »

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