The CGT cuts the power in several town halls in Île-de-France

The CGT claimed power cuts on Friday, confirmed by Enedis to AFP, targeting several town halls in the south-west of the Île-de-France region which “support pension reform”.

The union announced in a press release “energy sobriety operations with around fifteen town halls” Les Républicains and Renaissance which, “by their political color, support pension reform”.

“Restore the situation as soon as possible”

The distributor Enedis confirmed that “voluntary cuts have been observed today in several town halls” in the region, specifying that the company “systematically files a complaint in the event of an illegal act targeting infrastructure”.

“We are quickly bringing in teams of technicians to restore the situation for customers as quickly as possible,” added the distribution network manager.

According to the CGT, 200 sites in Île-de-France, including hospitals, libraries, colleges and associations of general interest, also have “meters which no longer record their consumption”, avoiding them being billed.

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