The CGT calls for a demonstration on September 14

Compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 for health workers still does not pass. The CGT-Santé called on Wednesday to demonstrate against this obligation on September 14, the day before the application of the government measure. “We do not want sanctions for employees” who will not be vaccinated against the coronavirus, explained the secretary general, Mireille Stivala, fearing that the vaccination obligation “generates unmanageable tensions on the workforce”.

As of September 15, those who have not received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine may be suspended, without remuneration. On October 15, the punishment will be extended to all those who do not justify a complete vaccination schedule. It can last until November 15, the expected date of exit from the state of health emergency.

Not enough staff for job suspensions

But “we do not have the luxury of doing without our unvaccinated colleagues,” said the union official, who on the contrary calls for massive hiring in hospitals and nursing homes. The health federation of the CGT has therefore decided to call for a national day of mobilization on September 14, which will be broken down by multiple “initiatives in the territories”, such as gatherings in front of establishments or regional health agencies (ARS) .

These actions will, as usual, be covered by strike notices, but “the idea is not to go on strike that day,” added Mireille Stivala. In the absence of a cancellation of the vaccination obligation, she believes that “the government could at least extend the deadlines”, as it did for the overseas departments currently overwhelmed by the fourth wave of Covid-19 .

According to the latest epidemiological point from Public Health France, as of August 24, more than 85% of staff in hospitals and nursing homes had received at least one injection.

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