The Canary Islands attract long-term vacationers with low energy costs – travel

Maybe we should all just move to the Canary Islands. That would definitely mitigate some urgent problems, if not solve them at least. In any case, the invitation from the Spanish archipelago stands.

Okay, first of all it is aimed more at older people and is only valid for a limited stay, during the upcoming winter. But the principle of hospitality allows a guest to dare quite a bit – for example, to bring friends and also to stay as long as one likes. Even if the beer is long gone. Most of the time, that’s when it gets really funny anyway.

In that sense, it’s all about the details. After all, the initiative of the Canary Ministry of Tourism is already pointing in the right direction. That it falls short can easily be corrected. The authority is concerned with attracting as many people as possible to the Canary Islands for several months. A win-win situation: the tourism industry on the Canary Islands benefits from this, but long-term holidaymakers also make a good cut. And not only in emotional matters, but also in hard cash.

One argument that is becoming more and more powerful is the comparatively low energy costs. The EU Statistical Office has calculated, the ministry argues, that energy consumption on the Canary Islands is only a little more than half as high as in Germany because of the local climate. In view of gas and electricity prices, which are currently going up by a trillion times, the travel and accommodation costs will be amortized over a winter, people are told.

But why not think bigger? Why keep flying back to Germany? That’s not good for the climate. We would then no longer have to argue about which nuclear power plants should remain connected to the grid and for how long. In addition, Markus Söder could stop the tedious search for a place where, with pain, a fourth wind turbine can be set up in Bavaria. And we would have holidays all year round. Splendid.

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