“The campaign is not a show that will attract the general public”

Once again, a card from the big screen is confirmed on the small one. The spread of What else have we done to God? by TF1 on Sunday April 3, brought 7.6 million viewers on the first channel, according to Médiamétrie. Or 34.6% audience share, far ahead of the other channels, during a precious time slot, Sunday evening.

Will TF1 repeat such a score next week? The first channel made people talk by programming, on Sunday April 10, Visitorsby Jean-Marie Poirée, from 9:30 p.m.… That is an hour and a half after the result of the first round of the presidential election.

Shortened, the traditional election night, during which editorialists and politicians follow one another on the set to comment on the results of the live vote. They and they will, but only from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. “As the leading channel, we consider that in the hot part of an hour and a half, we may have given all the facts, results, reactions, comments”, justified Thierry Thuillier, deputy director general of the news division of TF1, with Agence France Presse. Then, the election night will continue on LCI, the continuous news channel of the TF1 group.

A boost for LCI

If this evening format is unprecedented for a presidential election, TF1 has already made the choice “for other elections, including legislative”, noted Thierry Thuillier. He also mentioned “uses, [d] your tastes and [d] viewer expectations [ayant] evolved”, due to “the multiplication of the offer” on the news channels.

Should we see in this choice a symbol of citizens’ lack of interest in the elections, to mirror abstention rates announced as records? Could this programming be a message sent by TF1 to the political world? For Isabelle Veyrat-Masson, research director at the CNRS and member of the CERLIS laboratory (Center for research on social links), this unprecedented choice is above all strategic. “I think there are two explanations: first, it is from TF1 a certain boost given to LCI, which is struggling to overtake the other non-stop news channels in a competitive context . The second would be the feeling that this campaign is not interesting, not fun. This is not a show that will attract the general public of TF1. »

The researcher also notes that BFM TV is “less committed than LCI or CNews” in handling the campaign. “Of the three, it’s the most commercially oriented channel, its main motivation is to build audiences. This lessened treatment “shows that the programmers realize that the campaign will not have an audience. »

Economic choice

An observation shared by TF1, therefore. Five years ago, on April 23, 2017, the evening of the first round of the presidential election, the channel had collected 5.7 million viewers, for a 21.5% audience share. Election night, hosted by Anne-Claire Coudray and Gilles Bouleau, ended around 10:35 p.m. France 2, whose live broadcast ended around midnight, did better, with 24.6% of viewers.

Visitors, them, brought together nearly 8 million viewers during their last appearance on TF1, in April 2020. Admittedly, the French were then confined. But already, in 2016, they had been 7.2 million to follow the adventures of Jacquouille. A guaranteed success, therefore, and an assumed economic choice. “By programming Visitors, TF1 makes an economic choice, summarizes Isabelle Veyrat-Masson. This may shock, but we can also find it legitimate, insofar as TF1 is a commercial channel. And television is a show. »

No novelty

However, this show, believes the researcher, is not interesting enough this year. “There is less suspense than in 2017,” argued TF1 after announcing that it would shorten its election night. “In a campaign, as in fiction, you need interesting characters, suspense, reversals. For the moment, this is a repeat of 2017, less well, because there is no more novelty, analyzes Isabelle Veyrat-Masson. With the Macron phenomenon, the previous campaign was extraordinary. Even the public service channels had played the spectacle game. It was like a reality TV show, with its confessions, its miscellaneous facts… This time, the campaign seems to be a foregone conclusion. Zemmour changed things a bit for a while, but it didn’t last. »

In addition, the campaign has been pushed into the background by “such important events on the front line: the war in Ukraine, and the Covid-19 pandemic. Each time, events can tint the campaign. But I don’t remember having seen this configuration before”, notes Isabelle Veyrat-Masson, for whom the “uninteresting” aspect of the campaign “justifies” that TF1 does not feel like spending too much time there, during an “important evening for the audiences”. However, according to the researcher, “if something totally unexpected happens during the first round, I think Visitors will fall by the wayside and that TF1 will adapt its antenna”.

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