The calls for “Leopard” tanks for Ukraine are getting louder

Federal Foreign Minister Baerbock sees the need for “further tank deliveries” to Ukraine. However, she is also holding back on the possible sale of the “Leopard”. The calls for it are getting louder and louder.

After the German government’s commitment to supply “Marder” armored personnel carriers to Ukraine for the first time in cooperation with international partners, the debate about the possible sale of German “Leopard” battle tanks is gaining momentum.

After her surprise visit to the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) underlined the need for “further tank deliveries” so that “more places” could be liberated from the Russian occupiers. Ukraine also needs “further air defence”, in particular to protect the infrastructure, she said on Tuesday evening in the ARD “Daily Topics”.

Not least in Kyiv, the Foreign Minister’s statements may have fueled hopes that “Leopard” battle tanks would also be supplied in the future. “We need these tanks to liberate our cities, villages and everything that is under Russian occupation,” said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, who accompanied Baerbock on her trip. He was convinced that Berlin would deliver the heavy battle tanks. “The longer this decision takes, the more people will die because of the Ukrainian army’s lack of armament,” he warned.

Baerbock showed understanding for Ukraine’s repeated demands for the “Leopard”, but reiterated the German government’s position of coordinating corresponding deliveries “together with our allies”. Working together with the partners costs “sometimes a bit more time,” she admitted. However, it is important to consider together how to act responsibly, “even if your heart is burning.” You can understand “how much it is urgent”.

After the “marten” the “leopard”?

Most recently, the pressure on the traffic light coalition and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had increased on the issue, with the FDP and Greens in particular exerting pressure. “We should do and deliver everything that is possible. This includes Leopard tanks,” said Bundestag Vice President Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Greens) the newspapers of the Funke media group. Wolfang Kubicki (FDP), also Vice-President of the Bundestag, also thinks it could be “reasonable to supply not only Marder but also Leopard tanks”. For Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP), Chairwoman of the Defense Committee, is clear: “After the marten comes the leopard”.

The SPD leadership is much more reserved. Although the party leader Saskia Esken did not rule out a delivery of the “Leopard” tank, stressed, howeverthat the federal government is “always in close coordination with its partners” and “in particular, of course, with the Americans”. Also her co-boss Lars Klingbeil referred tothat no country has yet delivered such heavy battle tanks, but did not want to rule out a later delivery per se.

As a result, the German government could also supply battle tanks to Ukraine in the future, should an international alliance come about, as was the case with the US and France with reconnaissance and infantry fighting vehicles. It was announced on Monday that Great Britain is at least considering the delivery of “Challenger 2” tanks – which is comparable to the German “Leopard”, the American “Abrams” or the French “Leclerc”.

A total of more than 3,600 units of the “Leopard 2” main battle tank were built, including more than 2,000 in the now older “Leopard 2A4” version. They are used in many countries. In addition to Poland, possible European partners in a joint delivery could also be Finland and Spain. The German armaments company Rheinmetall had also offered deliveries in the past.

However, government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit made it clear on Monday that there is initially no change of course in Germany for battle tanks. “At the moment, the federal government has no intention of supplying Leopard 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine. We have just made a very far-reaching decision to now supply armored personnel carriers in close consultation with our American and French friends,” he said. Further decisions would have to be discussed.

NATO Secretary General: Military aid to Ukraine must be increased

Especially since it is apparently still unclear where the approximately 40 promised “Marder” armored personnel carriers are to come from: only from Bundeswehr stocks or also from industrial stocks? Delivery should take place during the first quarter. how “Mirror” and “Handelsblatt” reported, should help Greece: A part of the “Marder”, which Germany had promised the Greek army as part of a ring exchange, could therefore first be delivered to the Ukraine. Greece should then be supplied as soon as the industry has repaired more tanks.

With a view to the delays in the “Marder”, the Green MP Anton Hofreiter demanded that the “Leopard” tanks be repaired as a precautionary measure should Berlin give the green light for a delivery at some point. “In view of the difficulties that Germany is having in providing Marders, it would be important now to start repairing the Leopard tanks in the industry,” said Hofreiter “Mirror”, “so that the delivery difficulties do not repeat themselves”. It also makes sense to start training Ukrainian soldiers on the battle tank.

For NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, there is no question that military aid to Ukraine should be increased. The recent fighting in the east of the country showed “how crucial it is that we expand our military support,” he said on Wednesday. Stoltenberg emphasized that the support of the NATO countries “makes a real difference in this crucial phase of the war”. He called on the Allies: “We must do more and even faster.” Most recently, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen spoke out in favor of delivery of the “Leopard 2”. “I think Ukraine should get the military equipment it needs and can use to defend its homeland,” she said on Tuesday.

The allies will discuss increasing military aid next Friday (January 20) at the US military base in Ramstein, Baden-Württemberg. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin chairs the repeated meeting of the so-called Ukraine contact group, which recently included around 20 other countries in addition to the 30 NATO countries. According to US information, Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) is also invited. After the first meeting took place at the end of April, Lambrecht announced the delivery of heavy weapons from Germany for the first time. At the time, it was the “Gepard” anti-aircraft tank.

Sources: ARD “Daily Topics”, “Berlin Morning Post”, n-tv, Editorial network Germany, “The mirror”, “The Guardians”, “Handelsblatt”with material from the news agencies DPA and AFP

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