The Café Mahl Zeit closes – Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

Angela Buchberger gives up the café and bistro called “Mahl Zeit” on Königsdorfer Strasse in Wolfratshausen. According to her, the doors will close there in mid-September. In an e-mail, the restaurateur explains the reason for the effects of the corona pandemic: Over the past six years it has been a pleasure for her “to enrich the culinary scene with sustainable and, among other things, vegetarian and vegan offers.” Great parties were celebrated, explains Buchberger, “noble cooking and dining at fine dining, cool cocktails mixed and unique catering delivered far beyond the city limits.” During the host festival and the art mile, the café was filled to the bursting point. The meal was not only represented at the river festival, at the garden and farm flea market and at the Christmas market, but also at Hubert and/without Staller.

“However, Corona has changed a lot,” explains Buchberger. About 90 percent of the guests’ consumer behavior would have shifted to the to-go business. “This is the complete opposite of the original business concept and contradicts our basic attitude to life.” Contact with customers would have been limited to a short wait at the counter, “while the lovingly cooked food is squeezed into disposable containers.” The “expensively paid and hand-polished oak tables remain empty,” she regrets. Not only can the food not be presented in an appealing way – it also requires a completely different menu, cooking style and operational process. “It just wasn’t fun anymore and it was a long way from the old days, when constant laughter and the babble of voices were a constant companion throughout the working day,” says Buchberger. Now she also had to “invoice the enormously increased goods purchase prices and energy costs, and the sum of the whole thing actually only allowed one consequence, namely to shut down operations.”

Buchberger would like to take this opportunity to thank all regular guests, random customers, suppliers, followers, friends and family. She will continue the catering from a different point of view: “As before, information about this can be found on Facebook and Instagram.” Now it’s time for her: “Off to new shores, because the only constant is change,” concludes Buchberger.

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