The Brittany Liberation Front calls for a referendum on autonomy or independence

Gérald Darmanin’s promise “to go as far as autonomy” in Corsica has given ideas to some independence activists in Brittany. Dormant for several years, the Brittany Liberation Front sent a press release on Monday to the writing of West France to demand “the organization of a referendum on the reunification of Loire-Atlantique with Brittany” and “on the autonomy or independence of reunified Brittany”.

According to the Breton Revolutionary Army (ARB), which co-signs the missive, the state only listens “after violent actions”, taking the example of recent events in Corsica. Conceiving “the armed struggle as a complement to the political struggle, the militants of the FLB-ARB threaten moreover to “take action” if the two referendums they are calling for have not been carried out “before December 31 2022”.

Numerous attacks committed in the 1970s

At the end of November, the FLB had already made a name for itself by claiming in a letter a series of “attacks on second homes or profiteers from the tourist industry” between 2017 and 2021. Its activists mainly distinguished themselves at the end of the years 1960s and in the 1970s by multiplying the attacks almost everywhere on the territory.

In 2000, the independence organization was also singled out after the explosion of a bomb at McDonald’s in Quévert (Côtes-d’Armor) which claimed the life of a young employee. However, no activist had been convicted in this case.

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