The big move: who will be a minister in the new federal cabinet? – Politics

The traffic light parties are still negotiating who should become what in the new federal government. But lists are already circulating with the names and departments of the soon-to-be ministers. The problem: They can’t actually come from the narrow circle of negotiators.


Daniel Brössler, Nico Fried and Cerstin Gammelin, Berlin

From a purely visual point of view, the list looks like a traffic light coalition, structured, formatted and gendered as precisely as it is. At the top, in bold, “SPD; Bündnis90 / DIE GRÜNEN; FDP”, under it the subject line in large black letters: “Federal Government”. This is followed, in tabular order according to “Ministry”, “Federal Minister: in”, “Parl. State Secretary: in” and “Party”, the persons who are to govern in the future. The supposedly confidential information about who gets which ministry landed in the electronic mailbox on Sunday evening. Right, didn’t the traffic light negotiators want to be finished?

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