The back-to-school mask in Lozère because of an epidemic outbreak

La Lozère retropédale. While the department was one of the 68 where the coronavirus circulation rate was low enough that students no longer wear the mask at school, the prefecture announced that from Monday, the obligation was back. In question: the increase in the incidence rate, in particular due to low vaccination coverage and two clusters in schools.

As of October 11, in fact, less than 67% of Lozériens had entered a vaccination scheme, first or second injection, or even booster shot, against 74.37% for Aveyron. In addition, due to the low population rate of the department, the two sources of contamination have caused the incidence rate to explode.

On the other hand, good news: according to a decree published in the Official Journal, 12 new departments join the 67 others where wearing a mask is no longer compulsory at school. The following are concerned: Ain, Ariège, Charente, Cher, Drôme, Gard, Hérault, Moselle, Haut-Rhin, Var, Haute-Vienne and Seine-et-Marne.

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