“The Bachelorette”: Now it’s getting really difficult

“The Bachelorette”
Now it’s getting really difficult

This is what Lukas and Sharon look like when they are not allowed to kiss.

© Photo: RTL

Tears flow several times, fists almost fly – neither the men nor Sharon expected this week’s emotional chaos.

Now it happened: “The Bachelorette” (Wednesday, 8:15 p.m., RTL and RTL+) has fallen in love – but not just in one man. This gets complicated. In the sixth week, Sharon Battiste (30) invites Tom, Steffen, Alex, Umut and Dominik to a fun kayak trip. The small boats create particularly absurd situations: When the bachelorette and Steffen discuss what intimacy has already built up between them, Dominik is only three centimeters further in the same boat.

To everyone’s surprise, Alex is allowed to stay on for a single date afterwards. The two sail together over the water with coconut drinks. The two don’t care that it’s drizzling, they laugh too much for that. Eventually, Alex even gets an advance rose, which he’s so overwhelmed with that he can’t say anything more. In front of the camera he finds words: “I have tingling in my stomach, I am very, very interested in the woman – I’m just very euphoric today.”

“I can’t bring that”

Next day, next chance for Lukas, Emanuell, Jan, Steffen and Tom. For the group date on the beach, Sharon appears again without a wig, which is no longer an issue. In private, Lukas tells the bachelorette how serious he is about her and secretly hands her a letter. Sharon appreciates the gesture: “It really did something to me.” Emanuell also makes a few points when he suddenly speaks openly about his feelings. And slowly Sharon finds himself in a dilemma. “I want to be close to several men. And as I’m saying that, I’m like, ‘I can’t do that.'”

To make it even more difficult for herself, she asks someone else on a single date: Jan. There is also a strong spark between the two as they lie on a boat in the middle of a pond full of lily pads, drink champagne and make out in the pouring rain. One more great date – one more problem. “I’m really overwhelmed with my thoughts for the first time,” Sharon is desperate afterwards.

Quarrels and tears in the night of roses

This time, the night of the roses is going to be a pool party that gets a little out of joint. In the meantime, the nerves are also blank among the men. Between Emanuell and Umut there is probably the most unnecessary argument of the season when Emanuell soils his trousers. Lukas’ attempts at conciliation almost degenerate into a fight, which is only averted thanks to the cameras. Meanwhile, Dominik is crying to Tom about his failed attempts with Sharon: “I always screw it up myself, it annoys me!”

In the meantime, Sharon tries to check out the honest intentions of those who have already been chosen: In one-on-one talks, she asks Jan and Lukas how they would imagine a long-distance relationship. In both conversations she feels the need to kiss them both, but at the same time has a bad conscience towards the other. An intimate hug with Lukas finally gives Sharon the rest – she locks herself in the house, sobbing and explains that she feels bad: “Because I repeat certain things, but because I mean it the same way.” Finally, she also explains to the boys that she is emotionally overwhelmed, after which there is a group hug for everyone.

Two go, the dilemma remains

As difficult as the decision between Sharon’s favorites might be, it should be easy for her to decide against the men with whom she is not ready yet. Unsurprisingly, Dominik and Umut have to go. That leaves Steffen, Emanuell, Lukas, Jan and Alex – and the dilemma.


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