“The Bachelorette”: First kiss, first crises

“The Bachelorette”
First kiss, first crises

Bachelorette Sharon without a wig.

© RTL / René Lohse

A first kiss and an emotional children’s birthday party are the highlights of the third episode of “The Bachelorette”.

The third episode of “The Bachelorette” starts with a revelation – but only for the viewers and not for the boys. Sharon (30) lifts her wig and shows her bald head. As a reminder: The “Cologne 50667” actress suffers from circular hair loss. That’s why she shaved her hair.

During the course of her illness, Sharon “shed many tears”. She feared that she would never find anyone pretty again, that she would never open up to anyone again. Even now, when she talks about it, Sharon bursts into tears.

Umut causes displeasure at the group date

She wants to show the candidates her true hairstyle when the time comes. But now Sharon wants to “see the sea” first, which is the title of the first date. The bachelorette invites Jan, Tim, Umut, Hannes, Tom, Philipp and Alex to a trip on a catamaran. Tim apologizes for getting too close to Sharon while dancing in the last episode. Umut takes over this job this time. When dancing with the bachelorette, there is no space for paper between the two. Tom steps in to “save” Sharon. Now things are getting physically tight between the two men, they are almost jostling for the bachelorette.

In conversation, too, Umut shows himself to be distanceless. “Do you place much value on sex?” he wants to know And whether she likes “forbidden things”. Twice the answer is yes. Umut’s offensive causes resentment in the men’s villa, he is counted as “disrespectful” in front of the assembled team.

Instead of Umut, Jan is allowed to spend the evening with Sharon. On a date on a yacht, they talk intimately. Sharon already has “images in her head” when she thinks of a future with Jan. Consequently, it comes to the first kiss of the season! Jan also gets the first rose of the episode, which Sharon conjures up from somewhere.

Jan’s kissing story creates negative images in men’s minds. Especially Tom has acute “head fucks”. As a result, he had the last single date before, now he thinks it’s “not so cool” that Sharon kisses strangers so quickly.

Emotional children’s birthday

The second group date could be more innocent. Sharon reenacts a child’s birthday party. Dominik, Emanuell, Basti, Yannick, Lukas, Maurice, Max and Stas are invited. It gets emotional. Cute childhood pictures are matched and Sharon bursts into tears again as she recounts her past. She had no contact with her father for a long time. And when she was twelve years old, her best friend died.

Lukas is allowed to stay for a one-on-one date in the ball pool. A “kiss not excluded” (Sharon). But this did not happen. Perhaps his admission turned her off that he still had a Diddl comic from his childhood.

Steffen enjoys the last single date. He is allowed to take off with Sharon in the helicopter. He confesses that he is very sexually attracted to her. When he raves about long hair, the bachelorette and viewers flinch. The Bachelorette does not (yet) want to reveal whether she finds him attractive. After all, she says that the whole Steffen package has not yet been told to her.

Sharon falls for Emmanuell’s scam

During the evening together, Emanuell chooses the opposite path as Umut did at the beginning of the episode. He’s scarce. In the middle of the group discussion, he withdraws. Sharon falls for the scam and seeks his closeness. The result: an intimate conversation that, according to Sharon, even had a kiss in the air. But it stays with a kiss on her cheek.

For this, Emmanuell later gets a rose, just like bogeyman Umut. Max gets the last rose – and with it one last chance. He had previously confessed to Sharon that, unlike Steffen, he was not physically attracted to her. Although (or because) she reminds him of his ex.

Maurice, Philipp, Yannick got the least airtime over the course of the episode, never a good sign. You won’t get a rose from Sharon either.


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