“The Bachelorette”: Are Jan and Sharon still together?

“The Bachelorette”
Are Jan and Sharon still together?

Sharon Battiste and contestant Jan Hoffmann in “The Bachelorette”.


In the finale of the current “The Bachelorette” season, Sharon Battiste chose candidate Jan. Are they still a couple?

After the finale of the current “The Bachelorette” season, RTL (also on RTL+) for Sharon Battiste (30) on July 28 also a reunion with some of the candidates. Although the show moderated by Sophia Thomalla (32) was about topics such as the scandals, quarrels, goose bumps and surprises of the season, most viewers should have been looking forward to the answer to one question: Is the bachelorette still with her chosen ones together?

The choice had previously been difficult for Battiste, and she has now explained that she didn’t think before the show that she would have such a difficult time making a decision. But she finally ended up with the show participant, whom she had also given the first kiss of the season: Jan Hoffmann. After hugs for the boys, a short “I’ve never…” game and a few flashbacks, which Jan sometimes found difficult to look at, the question should finally be clarified.

The answer to the “all-important question”

And the answer to the, according to Thomalla, “the all-important question that is burning under our nails”? Are you still a couple? “Yes we are”, the two confirmed. “I’m very happy,” said Battiste. Although she is also “a bit afraid” of everyday life, “but I’m very happy”.

Recently, the two also shared a few details about their relationship. There hasn’t been a dispute yet, even if she can be “very temperamental at times”. According to Battiste, it can be “harder if necessary” in bed. So far, neither of them have said “I love you”.

Meanwhile, Jan described the first time without the many cameras as “unusual but beautiful”. As with “I love you”, the two of them probably want to take it a little slower. Although they will not move in together directly, according to him the plan is that she comes to him in Hanover more often, even if she loves living in Cologne. Apparently Battiste didn’t seem completely convinced of this plan.


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