“The Bachelor”: Dominik kisses the woman and then lets her fidget

“The Bachelor”
Dominik kisses woman and then lets her fidget

This time Jana-Maria is allowed to do it.


Dominik kissed the next candidate on “The Bachelor”. With another woman, however, he misses the opportunity.

Immerse yourself in “real Mexico”, that’s what Dominik (30) promises the women on the first group date of the fourth episode of “Der Bachelor” (also via RTL +). Then, of course, purely by chance, there is a mariachi group on the side of the road. The band encourages the bachelor and the women to dance. Dominik then sends the musicians to the candidates who remained in the villa. The “underbirded” (Susanna, 27) women are happy.

Jana-Maria (29) is allowed to stay in the old town for a single date. Jana-Maria of all people. She felt like a sure winner after the first episode as she got the first date and the first rose of the season. But in the last episode, the bachelor kissed Nele (28). Jana-Maria is already thinking about giving up. Fighting for a man, “I’m just not that,” she says in a one-on-one interview.

But now Dominik is thinking aloud about a kissing attack: “I wouldn’t know if I wanted to kiss you now – and I want that – whether you would block it.” Of course, Jana-Maria does not block: “He is a dream of a man, he will never get a basket from me.” From the hell of jealousy, she climbs to seventh heaven at record speed.

“Cringe” mood on a group date, a dream on an individual basis

Table tennis is on the program for the second group date. Everyone is having fun, but when they sit together afterwards, there is an awkward silence. Christina Aurora (30) calls the mood “cringe”. So the bachelor elops with Anna (33) for a one-on-one interview. A helicopter takes you to a secluded beach. Although the bachelor with his blue eyes and blond hair is actually not Anna’s type, an intimate conversation ensues. The next kiss is in the air. But they give up. In their one-on-one interviews, both tell each other that a kiss would have been out of place.

Lara (23) is allowed to the next single date. They “stagger through the old town” (Dominik), eat ice cream and sit on a beach that is not so lonely this time. Like Jana-Maria, the Memmingerin wanted to give up. She had the impression that the bachelor was not interested in her. She is quite interested herself. Unlike Anna, Dominik is a dream man for her. Although, like Anna, she also has light hair and eyes. “I like it when you look the same,” she says about herself and Dominik. Here, too, a kiss might have been possible, but the bachelor does not do so here either.

Emily returns, Shakira moves out

Before the night of the roses there is even a fourth single date. If only briefly. Emily (23) returns after a break from illness and meets the bachelor alone. In the last episode, Dominik waved her through with a rose in her absence. According to the Bachelor, “sex appeal is in the air”.

There was no sex in the air with Dominik and Christina R. (23) aka Shakira. The two work more on a buddy level, the two admit to each other. Shakira voluntarily leaves the field to be fair with the other girls. They mourn their departure. After Shakira was prone to being a hate object in the lady’s villa, they apparently found each other later.

Anna gets the first rose – even before the official distribution. Dominik has a sense of drama. He then played off this intuition in the regular award of roses. He lets his kissing partners Jana-Maria and Nele tremble for an unnecessarily long time before waving them to the next round.

Susanna and Bobette (26) tremble without a happy ending. you are out


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