The Bachelor 2022 Dominik: Embarrassing wedding dress fight of the ladies

Anything but “down to earth” is the second episode of the bachelor’s: from a parachute jump above the clouds to a wedding dress fight and a lot of bitch terror, everything is there.

“Uiuiuiui”, Bachelor Dominic would probably say if he knew that Christina Aurora would like to steal his jacket and sniff it. The ladies’ obsession with Dominic increases massively in the second episode of “The Bachelor”.

The latest episode begins at prime time at dizzy heights. Bachelor Dominic goes straight to the top and, above all, into the air on a single date with his chosen one Jana-Maria, whom he had already kept an eye on during the big round of introductions. Skydiving is popular. “It welds together and you can remember it for a lifetime,” says Dominic, when Jana-Maria’s facial features derail with what she now faces. But she can’t say no to the overly motivated Dominic and takes pity on a deep fall.

When tightening the seat belt, however, the bachelor panics more about his penis and his fertility after the jump than about his life: “Hey, I’m so scared, oh my balls, ahhh!” Jana-Maria counters: “It’s good that you have some.” A steep template to come back to the topic of family planning, which was already very popular with the Bachelor in the first episode: “Do you have children?” He asks her, Jana-Maria says no and he takes the curve back to his step thematically: “I hope , I can still have children afterwards!” Yes Dominic, the whole of Germany understood after less than two episodes that you want children. On another single date after the jump, Jana-Maria reveals to him that she would like to have four children. Dominic reacts in shock, although that should actually benefit his often mentioned desire to have children.

Dominic learns something he likes better than sex

In the air, Dominic Stuckmann raves about the fact that the two would now see “Cloud Seven”. The bachelor evaluates the jump itself in the middle of a free fall to his parachute jump coach with the words “better than sex”. That’s what the gentleman chained to Dominic wanted to hear at that moment.

Meanwhile, the mood in the house seems to be changing between the women. One of the ladies earns the nickname “broccoli” behind her back, why is not yet clear. When Jana-Maria returns from the date, she already has a rose, a free ticket to the next episode, in her hand. Emily reacts grumpily and says “I honestly wasn’t happy now, I don’t jump for air when someone comes home with a rose.”

All the women in the house jump in the air, however, when wedding music suddenly sounds. The sound triggers wild screeching and running around in almost everyone. Except for Jana-Maria, she briefly believes that the bachelor is now dissolving the season and marrying her directly. What follows is a top-class wedding dress battle. Some women are given a white wedding dress so that they can then make themselves the horst, or rather the winning bride, on the lawn in front of the bachelor’s degree. With fun children’s games like tug-of-war, one of the ladies can win a short date with the smitten.

Does the bachelor want dirt or drake on his ears?

Bobette wins and is then allowed to eat cake with the bachelor. Dominic Stuckmann doesn’t just fill his mouth with cake. When asked how Bobette feels about partying, Dominic gets the counter-question and says: “Hit dirt on my ears and then I’ll show you my freestyle dance here!” – Dominic probably means the musician Drake at this point, but he pronounces it very unusually. Of course, RTL didn’t need to be told twice and hey presto, Drake sang out of a box. “Holy shit, that wasn’t planned,” Dominic insists as he swings into his full-bodied announced dance, which looks more like he’s kicking ants to death on the lawn.

Back at the villa, Bobette talks about the date, while Emily, with an even grumpier expression on her face, keeps firing up the mixer so she doesn’t have to hear the stories.

Bachelor Dominik disguises himself as a chauffeur in front of candidates

So that the other women don’t miss out in this episode, the bachelor’s invites you to a mass processing session on a yacht, of course again accompanied by the obligatory screeching. After a lot of coconut-alcohol surreptitious advertising and impersonal one-on-one conversations on the yacht at the bare, white plastic table, the night of the roses is approaching again. Before the selection spectacle, Vivian announced in a video message that she unfortunately had to leave the show because of her son. Then the next parade of colorful polyester fumbling to grab a thorny stalk. Irina still takes part in this, but then also says goodbye to the dome show before the roses are distributed. She doesn’t feel the vibe with the bachelor, which of course scratches his ego, as he later admits. Instead of four women, only two more are thrown out the door due to the abandonment of the two, it hits Giannina and Claudia.

Of course, Irina calls out “Girls, I love you all so much, nooo!”, with the women she obviously felt the vibe and one of them cries because those who are leaving have grown so dear to her. Only the bachelor doesn’t love any of the ladies after two episodes, but it’s also weird after all this time.

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