The awakening of Losc in Ligue 1 and the Champions League on the menu of our podcast

Fifth issue of the season of 100% Lille, the podcast entirely devoted to the news of Losc. Our four specialists from the northern club look back on the two successes in a row in Ligue 1 of a Lille team which seems to have finally launched its season.

We will also talk about the Lille attack and the current good form of Jonathan david. Finally, in the third part of the podcast, we will discuss the important week that awaits the men of Gourvennec between the Champions League in Salzburg and Ligue 1 on Sunday against Marseille.

Every Monday afternoon

The concept of this 100% Lille podcast? Four Lille sports journalists (The voice of the North, 20 minutes and Weo) behind a microphone to discuss current events in Losc. An audio program offered from every Monday afternoon on the website of 20 minutes and the various podcast hosting platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcast, Deezer, etc.). And a TV broadcast on the Wéo channel on Monday (4 p.m., 11 p.m.) and Wednesday.

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