The author of the blank firing during the procession of a doomed marriage

The parade, very noisy and considered dangerous by many residents, had stopped in front of the town hall. On Saturday, in Illkirch-Graffenstaden near Strasbourg, police officers were waiting for the procession of a wedding upon its arrival at the town hall. They then arrested three men, including one who had fired blanks several times with an alarm pistol.

Aged 21 and…brother of the bride, the student was tried on Monday in immediate appearance, report the Latest News from Alsace. “For me, it was like a soft tune, I didn’t think I would scare people,” he explained, apologizing to his sister and the residents he might have scared.

The court sentenced him to a fine of 500 euros for carrying a category D weapon without legitimate reason. He will also have to complete a citizenship course.

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