The author Marie-Luise Scherer died at the age of 84 – media


Willie Winkler

If more is to remain of Otto Schily than the helmet that he proudly put on when he became Minister of Police, then he owes it to the report Marie-Luise Scherer gave him in 1978 in the mirror dedicated. He was still considered an “RAF lawyer,” but Scherer knew him from before, from Berlin, when he “was just about not to re-elect the FDP” and was carried away by the times. “One late afternoon in the middle Apo years, after a Vietnam demonstration, people from the front scene moved with Schily’s wife Christine into their marital apartment in Berlin-Grunewald. The men in the spotted rebel clothing looked like parachutists in one Gouverneurssalon. When Otto Schily came home from the office, the troupe was in the process of cutting up sausages on his grand piano. Otto Schily watched for a moment with an indignant expression, but refrained from interrupting the celebration.”

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