“The atmosphere has totally changed” within LDLC with its transition to the four-day week

Presented as “very very discreet” by Tony Parker, of which he is the main partner (with
naming to the key) on his two Asvel teams, Laurent de la Clergerie pulled out all the stops for his participation in the show Incognito boss, broadcast this Monday (9:10 p.m.) on M6. Glasses, a goatee and above all a shaved head for an unrecognizable result reminiscent of Bryan Cranston in breaking Bad.

“I wore a cap during all my summer holidays to hide this ball at zero, smiles the president of the LDLC group, French leader in e-commerce on the computer and high-tech market, with a seat located in Limonest (Rhône). Initially, I did not want to participate in this program, but I had a news to put forward. »

Laurent de la Clergerie has achieved one of the most beautiful physical metamorphoses of the show. – Endemol

“The efficiency and productivity of employees have remained the same”

His news is to have become a year ago the first French leader of such a large group (750 million euros in turnover) to have opted for the four-day week. All of its 1,000 employees therefore now work 32 hours a week, divided into four working days, and paid 35 hours. The filming of Incognito boss thus enabled him to have confirmation that this “bet” was perceived favorably in his company.

“I see myself that the efficiency and productivity of the employees have remained the same, he appreciates. For the rest, this bet we made totally changed the atmosphere. People are less stressed, everyone benefits from it. This model may not be generalizable but I want to make it clear, via this show, that it makes sense. »

“There is always a Tony effect”

The shooting of this Incognito boss got off to a flying start all the same for
Laurent de la Clergerie and LDLC, with widespread failure of the entire system. “I had never known that, it was crazy that it happened at that time”, underlines the founder of LDLC. To congratulate his teams mobilized to resolve this setback, he called Tony Parker on site himself.

Tony Parker made his appearance during the program dedicated this Monday to LDLC.
Tony Parker made his appearance during the program dedicated this Monday to LDLC. – Endemol

“There is always a Tony effect, everyone was delighted to meet him at LDLC, he explains. Personally, I discovered an entrepreneur and a great guy as soon as we got in touch about Asvel. »

An arrival almost by chance in the world of professional basketball

Why did the Lyon-based company, founded in 1996, also launch into basketball sponsorship? “I knew absolutely nothing about basketball at the time but I wanted us to find a way to participate in the life of our region, summarizes Laurent de la Clergerie. I attend matches when I can, especially at the end of the season, and I want to accompany this beautiful story for a long time. » Bet kept thanks to the naming via a contract with Asvel until 2028, but also the name of the future Arena near Parc OL intended to host the Euroleague matches of the “TP” club.

Did this merger with Asvel mark a turning point in the economic success of LDLC? “We don’t really know if we have a return on investment in professional sport,” he explains. But it allows me to invite customers to the Astroballe, and our turnover has exploded in Villeurbanne since our merger with Asvel. Ah, that famous Tony effect…

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