The astonishing family business Benenota wowed the jury on M6

They are two: a 72-year-old grandmother and her 24-year-old granddaughter. Margaux Rallier and her “grandma” Martine created their bamboo fiber bath linen brand, Benenota, a year and a half ago. This Wednesday evening, they were selected to try their luck during the show Who wants to be my partner? on M6. Their appearance on television has “surpassed their [nos] expectations ”.

Faced with the panel of five investors ready to commit their money to a project, the two Nantes women indeed explained that they hoped for support of 25,000 euros in exchange for 10% of the company’s capital. Their pitch in front of the cameras was convincing to say the least since Éric Larchevêque, founder of
Ledger, a French start-up in the field of cryptocurrency, finally offered them 40,000 euros against 25% of the capital.

“We were both very anxious”

“We did not even expect to have a positive response, so hearing an investor say yes to us by doubling down is unexpected. The others also encouraged us ”, rejoices Margaux Rallier. The pitch had required a lot of preparation from the duo, as did the staging of the products on the set. “We wanted to transcribe our values ​​and our universe,” says Margaux. On the strength of her career in business school, the young woman was “used to expressing herself orally”. The exercise was “less easy” for the discreet Martine. “We were both very anxious. In the end, we are relieved. This experience will remain a strong and moving moment, especially for my grandmother. “

Martine and her granddaughter Margaux, co-founders of Benenota. – P.Olivier / M6

The investor Éric Larchevêque has undertaken to provide them with financial but above all human support. “We see him as a coach,” adds Margaux. “Since the shooting [en avril], he calls us by video every day ”in order to follow Benenota’s progress.

“We surfed the wave of made in France”

Since its launch in September 2020, Benenota has gained ground. The brand now supplies thirty stores in France (against only two at the end of 2020), its range of products has grown from two to ten. The company has integrated a startup incubator in Nantes, Novapuls. The company also has three operational employees. Martine takes care more of the clothing and product development part, while Margaux takes care of the communication and sales part. The health crisis has enabled the website of the company (created during the second confinement) to be put in the spotlight. “We surfed the wave of made in France”, is convinced the young Nantes.

If this success was achieved before the broadcast of Who wants to be my partner?, Benenota hopes to capitalize on its appearance on television to expand its audience and increase its sales. Eric Larchevêque’s commitment to society has had “a positive influence on the way we work,” says Margaux. The 40,000 euros of investment enabled the grandmother and her granddaughter “to integrate offices in Couëron and to hire” more labor for the manufacture of the products, by collaborating with five Esat (Establishment and work assistance service).

The septuagenarian does not plan, however, to make the most of her retirement. “She takes great pleasure in this adventure,” insists Margaux Rallier. Benenota is her baby. And our intergenerational history is the very essence of the brand. “

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