The Assembly votes against its obligation in nursing homes and hospitals for patients and visitors

Will the health pass pass through the doors of nursing homes and hospitals in France? During the examination of the health bill on Thursday, the deputies of the National Assembly voted against the extension of the health pass in these two places. This means that patients, like visitors, do not have to be vaccinated, or have taken a Covid test of less than 48 hours, or prove a previous infection with the coronavirus to enter an nursing home or hospital in France. The deputies supported by 70 votes against 67 of the LFI and LR amendments. The debate should however return during the parliamentary shuttle.

This decision goes against the advice of the government. Indeed, during his address to the French, Emmanuel Macron announced that a valid health pass would be made compulsory to enter health establishments from the beginning of August. The current bill made it unnecessary to present this sesame for access to hospitals and health establishments simply “in case of emergency”.

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