The Assembly validates the vaccination pass, Pécresse brings out the Kärcher and Djoko expelled

Did you miss the news from the start of the morning? We have concocted a recap to help you see more clearly.

The government can catch its breath a little: the first green light for the vaccination pass. After three days of very agitated debates, the National Assembly adopted this Thursday at 5:25 am in first reading the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass. The text was approved by 214 votes in favor, those of the majority and part of the LR and the PS. They were 93 deputies to vote against, including the left of the left, the RN, and 3 LREM dissidents. Twenty-seven abstained. Now, let’s go to the Senate.

From Nicolas Sarkozy almost word for word. The LR presidential candidate Valérie Pécresse, who will be in Bouches-du-Rhône and Vaucluse this Thursday to talk about security, says she wants to “bring the Kärcher out of the cellar” to “clean up the neighborhoods” and “restore order in the street “. To do this, she suggests, in an interview with Provence published Wednesday evening, to use “punching brigades, including digital means, the tax authorities, but also the army, in order to secure the areas of intervention”. Security is “the first of freedoms”, says the candidate again, using an expression of the National Rally which, according to her “thrives on public impotence”.

Minister of Health Greg Hunt is clear: “in Australia, it’s the same rule for everyone”. The country therefore canceled on Thursday the visa of Novak Djokovic, who had arrived without the necessary documents for entry, customs said. The co-record holder for the number of Grand Slam titles, whose vaccination status is unknown, had obtained a waiver to be able to go to Melbourne to defend his title there and, why not, to win a 10th Australian Open . In the meantime, the controversy swells and even flirts with the diplomatic incident. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, has indeed accused Australia of “bad treatment” towards Djoko. The Serbian player has appealed against his expulsion.

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