The Agent’s Cartel: A Fantastic Book on “Putin’s Net”. – Politics

Catherine Belton shows how secret service agents around Vladimir Putin have been working for decades to subjugate the state and its capital. And how the West made good money from it, because people preferred not to look too closely. An eye-opening book about the Putin system.

The Russian total attack on Ukraine has not only initiated a change in Germany in terms of the image of Russia and the Putin regime. In a breathtaking about-face, the German federal government decided to supply arms to Ukraine and imposed far-reaching sanctions on Russia. This is understandably too late and not going far enough for Ukraine, which is currently struggling to survive. Since the first Russian attack in February 2014, Ukrainians, but also Poland and the Baltic states, have been trying to convince western EU members that Putin’s Russia poses a real threat of expansion; that the ruler in the Kremlin sees the perpetual adherence to “dialogue” as encouragement to press ahead with his aggressive policy. You were right.

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