The AfD and the brown beam gate: Stadler indicates CSU – Bavaria


John Osel

The sudden color change in the AfD is not uncommon in the vastness of social networks. When new polls come in, primarily left-wing users like to turn the blue of the AfD into an ugly brown – with reference to right-wing activities, which are now not uncommon in the party. Brown was the color of the NSDAP, Hitler’s National Socialists. What is more unusual, however, is that such a play of colors comes officially from a party, and from a conservative one at that.

In a Forsa survey on the state elections (CSU 41 percent, AfD eight) on its Facebook channel at the end of October, the CSU represented the party with a brown bar. This was partly well received by followers (“absolutely fits”), partly badly (” maximum embarrassment”). This was not well received by the Lower Bavarian AfD MP Ralf Stadler, deputy parliamentary manager of his group. He finds: “This not only insults the AfD voters in general, but also plays down the crimes of the Nazis.” Stadler filed a complaint.

It seems strange where Stadler did this: at the Munich public prosecutor’s office, where Bavaria’s commissioner against hate speech and the central office for combating extremism and terrorism are also based. However, they quickly forwarded the matter to the Passau authorities. Wouldn’t it be a size smaller, Mr. Stadler? No, he says when asked. At the time, Ilse Aigner (CSU), President of the State Parliament, reported him to the Attorney General’s Office. It was also about presentation on the Internet, Stadler had installed the AfD logo in a photo of Aigner with students and blue balloons. The district court of Munich issued a penalty order in 2020. Output from brown bar gate? Uncertain. The CSU does not comment on this.

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