The advice of the gendarmes in the face of the resurgence of thefts in the tanks

This is, of course, a direct consequence of soaring prices at the pump. The Gironde gendarmes have been observing for a few weeks “a resumption of fuel thefts. The first victims are generally “transport companies, public works or even farmers”, specify the gendarmes. But these thefts “sometimes also affect individuals, whether by the siphoning method or by that of drilling the tank. »

Do not refuel the day before the weekend

On their Facebook page, the gendarmes give some advice to guard against these thefts. “Individuals, prefer to park your vehicle inside your property or in a secure car park. Failing that, avoid isolated or out of sight places and prefer lighted areas. »

For professionals, it is recommended “not to refuel vehicles at the end of the day or on the eve of a weekend, whether they are parked on the public highway, on a construction site or in the parking lot of the society. “The gendarmes point out that there are also” tank protection systems (secure or connected caps, tank strainers, etc.). »

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