“The abomination for the country is the Nupes”, tackles Marine Le Pen

In a long interview given Sunday to Figaro, Marine Le Pen attacked Emmanuel Macron, pointing out “the destruction carried out” by the President of the Republic. “He leaves us a country in ruins,” she believes. As for who remains his main opponent today: him or Jean-Luc Mélenchon? “Both are dangerous, but it is obvious that the priority fight, which requires everyone to come together, is against the Islamo-leftist bloc,” she replies.

“I don’t put the two blocks on an equal footing. It is obvious that the abomination for the country is Nupes II which is worse than Nupes I,” supports Marine Le Pen. And to drive the point home: “For years the extreme left has been carrying out violence in all circumstances, destroying all social demonstrations, all political demonstrations, the “yellow vest” movement, with complete impunity.”

“The courage of Eric Ciotti”

Marine Le Pen also says she believes in an alliance with Les Républicains (LR), hailing the “courage” of Éric Ciotti, who called for an alliance with the RN after the announcement of the dissolution. According to her, he had the merit of making “the first blow of the pickaxe”.

“We are witnessing an absolutely historic moment where all the absurd dikes that have been laid over the last 40 years are being blown up,” she argues, before calling for unity. “Faced with the program of the Popular Front, which would cause the disappearance of our country in the space of a few months, and the urgency of the situation, the national forces have the obligation to come together,” she invokes, reaching out to Republican voters.

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