The 7 best easy DIY Halloween decoration ideas to make with your children!

© Pinterest Pipoos © Pinterest Erin Mother’s Niche

Halloween snack coming up?

Candies and little monsters: here is the perfect recipe for organizing a rather successful tea party. And there’s nothing like little hands to help you prepare it!

Haunted Lollipops
© Pinterest One Little Project

To give a “spooky” look to the snack, we have fun displaying cakes and sweets. The lollipop is undoubtedly the easiest to customize with children! All you need is a few pieces of white fabric to transform them into little ghosts. Unless you dress them in orange fabric to transform them into mini-pumpkins!

A Monstrous Game
© Pinterest Do It + Garden

The game of Chamboule Tout is one of the classics. And it’s easy to make with children, since you only need a few cans and paint to create it. On the occasion of Halloween, we summon all the essential creatures: vampire, ghost, mummy… Children can even have fun creating their own monsters!

Spooky Balloons
© Pinterest Popsugar

No successful Halloween snack without festive decorations! And if DIY garlands (scary or not!) are one of the projects that can be done with children, we shouldn’t forget the essential balloons! Focus on the emblematic colors of the celebration: black, white and orange. And provide some markers so that the children can transform them into scary creatures!

An autumnal DIY Halloween decoration

Pumpkins and walks in the forest are among the must-sees of fall. This is the perfect opportunity to do some easy DIYs with the kids.

A Mummified Pumpkin
© Pinterest Erin Mother’s Niche

Let it be said: it is entirely possible to decorate a pumpkin without digging it! For example, children can transform it into a mummy by wrapping it in bandages. If you don’t have any on hand, opt for the white toilet paper roll. For a more convincing look, consider adding two eyes. In the absence of accessories purchased in the “creative hobbies” section, adopt system D using, for example, felt or simply paper.

Customize Dead Leaves
© Pinterest Liz Marie

In the garden or during a walk in the forest, it is not very complicated to collect dead leaves in autumn. And kids can use them to create ghosts and bats – depending on what their shape evokes for them. It is also possible to use them to create a garland, or to hang them on a houseplant to bring the house into Halloween mode.

A DIY Halloween decoration that unleashes the imagination

The Halloween period is rich in stories that will make young and old alike shiver! To boost children’s imagination, invite them to create a fantastic world themselves. All they need are rolls of cardboard, paint and imagination.

Paper Monsters
© Pinterest Molly Madfis

Simple cardboard scrolls can be transformed into funny and scary characters. To make them, use the supplies you have on hand: felt, paper, wool… These funny creatures can then be hung, transformed into a box or candy display or even used as targets for a game of Chamboule Tout.

A Haunted Castle
© Pinterest Pipoos

Rolls of recycled cardboard are an excellent material for creating typical Halloween decorations, starting with the haunted mansion. For this type of project, it is smart to use a glue gun, which will create a more solid structure. Once the creation is finished, plan a light garland to illuminate it!

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