the 5 big questions we ask ourselves after the release of the trailer

PC version, Switch 2, graphics rendering… Here are the few questions we ask ourselves after watching the first trailer for GTA VI.

Source: Take-Two

After more than ten years of waiting (more or less the release of GTA V), we have the right to a first trailer For GTA VI. The first trailer for a Grand Theft Auto is still an event, this was the case for that of the 5th episode 12 years ago now, and it is still the case today.

As with the previous opus of the saga, this trailer lays the foundations of its universe, its tone and some of its characters, in particular the duo Lucia and Jason. If no phase of gameplay has not yet been revealed (the game will be released in 2025), we can already ask ourselves some questions about what will offer us GTA VI at its output.

Will the game look like this in-game?

By the very cinematic side of its trailer many players may have wondered if GTA VI will look like that in 2025. Many games have been accused of villainy downgrades between their announcement and their release. But given the latest technological developments in AAA titles over the last ten years and Rockstar’s track record in this area, we can be confident.

Red Dead Redemption 2 still remains, five years later, one of the most beautiful games of this generation. The Rockstar engine (RAGE, for Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) allowed the game to fully embrace the latest innovations of the DirectX 12 API, such as volumetric and weather effects, but also in terms of rendering textures and graphics. Character AI.

The images of trailerare a continuation of what we have seen in games like Marvel’s Spider-Man , Cyberpunk 2077or even The Last of Us Part II of which all the cinematic scenes were rendered in real time with the game engine. We can therefore expect this type of rendering with GTA VI, which should further improve on the rendering of water, lights (with ray tracingand potentially path tracing ) or the physics of cars and NPCs thanks to its Euphoria physics engine. In short, expect Rockstar to keep all its promises.

Will GTA VI be released on PC?

In its official announcement, Rockstar indicates that GTA VIwill be released on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X in 2025, without mentioning a PC version. If in the past, the publisher has not been the most welcoming to PC players (we remember GTA IV), the situation has completely changed since GTA V. The game was released on PC two years after its console versions and has since been updated with the latest technologies like ray tracing.

Source: Take-Two

Same thing for Red Dead Redemption 2, released on PC less than a year after its arrival on console. But, in both cases, this version was only announced after the game’s release on consoles current-gen. We can therefore expect an announcement in 2025 for PC users (and there are many of them at Frandroid) integrating the latest technologies of path tracing which will by then have evolved since Cyberpunk 2077And Alan Wake 2 .

Above all, the PC version of GTA V was the great vector of development of role playon GTA Online , especially on Twitch. Huge communities were launched, interacting not as players, but as characters. When we know that Rockstar bought last August, the team behind the biggest communities roleplay of the game (FiveM and RedM), we say to ourselves that a PC version is inevitable.

Will GTA 6 be released on Nintendo Switch 2?

This is also one of the big questions we can ask ourselves. The Nintendo Switch 2, even if it has not yet been officially announced, should arrive in 2024. According to the latest rumors, Nintendo’s future portable console should feature an architecture close to Nvidia’s RTX 3000 with its new generation Tegra chip. That is to say, a power greater than what the Xbox Series S can offer, a console on which the game is planned for release (we’ll talk about it again later).

Now that the old opuses of the saga (up to San Andreas) have had the right to their remaster on Nintendo Switch, just like that of Red Dead Redemption first of the name, we can therefore expect that GTA VI is also planned for the next Nintendo console. But for that, we will still have to wait until 2024 for a possible announcement.

What place will social networks have in the game?

In 2013, GTA Vhighlighted the networks in its own way. We were in the era of the rise of platforms like Facebook and Twitter, parodied as LifeInvader and Bleeter in the game, and characters could use their phones to communicate with each other and see the latest news. Since then, social networks have taken a preponderant place in all spheres of society, in information, politics, marketing, but also in self-representation.

Considering the trailer for GTA VI they will, it seems, be an integral part of the gameplay or at least, the narrative of the game. The game will undoubtedly make its own satire of the supremacy of TikTok, but also of livestreaming and a whole new generation of influencers. This will be an additional lever for satire which should always be at the heart of the subject.

How will the game run on Xbox Series S?

As with every big release on Xbox, GTA 6 will, according to the licensing contracts with Microsoft, be released on Xbox Series S, the less powerful machine of the two. One might wonder how a game, which should further push the limits of the open world technically, could properly run on such a console.

The recent example of Starfield is encouraging, and for good reason: the game is published by Microsoft, which participated in optimizing the game on its least expensive machine. But a recent example like Cyberpunk 2077saw the internal definition of the game (before upscaling ) go down to 900 p and sometimes 648 p in performance mode (via Digital Foundry). If the Xbox Series S plans to run GTA VIat 30 frames per second, it will do so at the expense of many visual effects as well as a rendering definition of 1440p maximum, unsurprisingly.

Again, this is just speculation, but we can’t wait to see how Rockstar optimizes the game for the Xbox Series S.

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