the 3 most beautiful varieties for the garden

Pink Clematis flowers
© istock

Early clematis: varieties and planting advice

Early clematis are covered in flowers in early spring, sometimes as early as January. They all flower on the previous year’s shoots, hence the importance of pruning them just after flowering… or not!

  • Clematis montana are renowned for their ease of cultivation and vigor. Theirs will be the biggest trees that they will entwine with their twining stems!
  • Clematis armandii, almost as powerful, could do the same but their evergreen foliage is heavy: it is better to train them on a warm wall, sheltered from the wind and better enjoy the scent of their innumerable flowers.
  • Clematis alpina and macropetala, even more rustic, are ideal in cold regions. These species are distinguished by their flowers, mainly simple for the former, double or semi-double for the latter. At the end of summer, they all produce feathery fruits with silvery reflections, decorative and superb in bouquets.

These little clematis are foolproof despite their apparent delicacy. Take care when planting them not to disturb their fine roots. Don’t try to untie them or air out any bun: they don’t like it!

3 early and robust clematis

Dimensions/RusticityLeavesFlowers Our opinion
Clematis armandiiReaches 5 or 6 m. Foliage hardy to around -10°C, for a short time. To plant in well-drained soil, sheltered from the wind, on a wall facing south or southwest.Evergreen leaves, bronze green at start, leathery when mature. Those of ‘Early Sensation’ are finely cut, a bit like flat-leaf parsley.From April to early May, in large clusters of white flowers, 4 to 5 cm wide, with creamy yellow anthers. Very fragrant. Those of ‘Early Sensation’ look like daisies.A very beautiful plant when it is well managed… Otherwise, it can form a most unsightly jumble.
Clematis alpinaExtremely rustic, it would resist up to -35°C! It is suitable for mountainous regions and windiest places. Reaches 2 or 3 m.Deciduous leaves, small, 3 to 5 cm long, finely toothed, pale green to medium green depending on the cultivar.From March, pendulous to semi-pendant, white, pink or pale blue, mauve, and simple most of the time. ‘Pink Flamingo’ and ‘Constance’ are semi-double.This clematis finds its place everywhere: in small trees, in a large pot, as a ground cover, on a low fence…
Clematis montanaReaches 8 m and more, except in too dry climates. Resists up to -18°C: despite its name, mountainous regions are not the most favorable for it. Place away from cold winds.Deciduous leaves, often bronze green at first, then medium green to purple, like those of Tetrarose. They measure 5 to 8 cm long.From April to May, flat, 5 to 7 cm in diameter, simple to semi-double and very numerous. Sometimes scented like those of ‘Mayleen’.Give it space, a large facade or a tree for example, so that the flowers are as dispersed as possible… unless you want to obtain a mass effect.

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