“The 1st round was our vote …”, in Marseille voters automatically removed from the lists

How many are not able to vote for the presidential election in Marseille, automatically removed from the electoral lists? Difficult to answer, but the testimonies are multiplying. About thirty of them, for sure, went to complain at the end of Sunday afternoon to the administrative court. Among these castaways from the ballot box, Hoeur Sak, who lives in Plan d’Aou, a city in the 15th arrondissement of Marseille. “Neither I nor my sister could vote. However, I had voted in this office in the presidential election of 2017, and have not moved since. The president of the office told us to go to the administrative court. And there, I learned that I had been removed from the lists, ”says this young woman. “But my mother, who we live with, was able to vote. It makes no sense “. And like Hoeur, there are many of them in this city who have not been able to exercise their right.

22,000 administrative deletions in 2021

“In fact, two entire buildings are involved here,” she explains. “About 100 people, not all of them had the courage to go to the administrative court”. In question, a relocation carried out in 2008. The old buildings where they lived were demolished and the family was rehoused next door, in new buildings. These radiations result from an administrative grooming launched by the former municipality in 2018 and completed in November 2021. “22,000 administrative radiations took place”, informs the municipality. “In accordance with this procedure, three letters, including one registered, were sent to each of the voters, but some remained unanswered, triggering a deletion,” she specifies. Obviously, among the 22,000 voters removed, some did not deserve to be.

Listening to Hoeur, no mail ever arrived. A misadventure that she may have known for other cases. “They send letters to buildings that have not existed since 2008. We are very disappointed, because we were Mélenchon, and the first round was our vote…”, she says. The town hall ensures “mobilize its services today by offering personalized support with the court to allow all those concerned to vote on April 24 and for the legislative elections”.

The city of Plan d’Aou does not seem to be the only one concerned. Echoes report the same incidents in Frais Vallon, where at the social center this Monday morning, we could see “on social networks that people were unable to vote”. According to Provencevoters of the Catalans, a more chic district of the seaside, but also of the cities of La Castellane and Bricarde and also suffered the effects of “these administrative radiations”.

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