” That’s enough ! It is we who morflons ”, the rant of Dimitri Payet against the violence in the stadiums

A speech as rare as it is important. Olympique de Marseille playmaker Dimitri Payet posted this Wednesday on
The world a platform against violence in the stadiums. This speech takes place on the eve of the interministerial meeting on the subject.

“Since the resumption of the Ligue 1 championship, scenes of violence have multiplied in the stadiums. I was the victim with the most media coverage, even if I am not the only one to have been attacked in a particularly cowardly and unacceptable way, ”he begins, taking care to specify that he does not not acting at the request of his club. He does it to “try to bring a point of view” and to ensure that the interministerial meeting “is not without a future”.

“Do not divide”

Number 10 returns to the consequences of such attacks, as he suffered in Nice, then in Lyon. “I was hurt as much by the bottle as by the impression of being responsible for the violence and the stoppage of the match. I say stop! Y en a marre ”, recalling that the players are the first to be affected by this violence. “It’s the players, it’s us who die. And in this case, I’m the one who shoots the corners. Do I have to stop pulling them? Stop playing ? Tell me, ”he asks himself.

To change things, he calls for solidarity between players and clubs. “Do not be divided because we wear the colors of a club. Football must rise, our Ligue 1 is beautiful. When it comes to our safety, I would like us to forget our memberships, that there are no shirts, pennants, or colors, ”he pleads. Before regretting the words of Jean-Michel Aulas, the president of OL. “I hear disgusting things, such as proposals to replace the player who would be the victim of aggression to resume the match at all costs. But this is sheer madness! It’s the door open to everything, ”says Dimitri Payet.

Announcements expected Thursday

The player makes a clear request. “This is what I would like: at the next incident, whatever the stadium and including the Orange Vélodrome, I would like to see the two captains, the two coaches meet in the center circle and decide not to resume. It is also up to the players now to take their responsibilities. I know that this will make club leaders, those of French football and broadcasters turn pale, but I would like this idea to gain ground because it is enough! », He concludes.

Announcements are expected at the end of the interministerial meeting on Thursday. Olympique de Marseille has also announced that it is appealing to the FFF the decision of the LFP disciplinary committee which had imposed a withdrawal point on OM, and to replay the OL – OM match at huis closed.

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