That will change for consumers in March – from notice periods to working from home

Subscriptions, home office, compulsory vaccination
Easier to terminate contracts – and what will change for consumers in March

In the future, many contracts can be terminated with one month’s notice

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From March 1st, the Fair Contracts Act will take full effect. In addition, the job-related vaccination obligation begins, the home office obligation ends and further corona relaxations are pending. All important changes at a glance.

In view of the terrible pictures from Ukraine, it is almost difficult to deal with the little things of everyday life. Nevertheless: In March there will be a number of changes for consumers in this country that will make life easier. This should finally put an end to expensive gag contracts and endless subscription traps. And a number of relaxations are planned for the Corona rules. The most important points at a glance.

(Read more about the effects of the war on prices for heating, fuel, etc. here)

Shorter notice periods for contracts

The “Law for Fair Consumer Contracts”, which was passed last summer, will apply from March 1st. The most important innovation: Typical fixed-term contracts – such as with a gym or dating portal – can no longer be automatically extended by a year if you forget to cancel. In future, such contracts can always be terminated after one month after the minimum term has expired. A notice period of one month instead of three months now also applies to the initial contract period. However, contracts with a minimum term of up to two years remain permitted.

Important to know:

  • Unfortunately, the new termination rules do not yet apply to contracts concluded before March 1st. With these, you still have to think about the old deadlines.
  • In principle, the new rules do not apply to insurance contracts. The previous contract extension and termination conditions remain in place there.
  • The rules for mobile phone and other telecommunications contracts have been in effect since December 1, 2021 – also for existing customers. Every mobile phone contract can therefore be terminated at or after the end of the minimum term with one month’s notice.

In purely practical terms, termination should also become easier. Contracts that can be concluded online should also be terminable online with a click of the mouse. To do this, providers must introduce a cancellation button on their website – but only by July 1 at the latest.

Protection for electricity and gas contracts

As of March, the Fair Contracts Act will bring about another change in electricity and gas contracts. In order to prevent rip-off, these may no longer be completed purely by telephone. The contract only becomes effective if it is sent to the customer in text form – this can happen by email, letter, SMS or even fax. In addition, the text form requirement is also extended to the termination of such contracts – a reaction to dubious energy suppliers who would currently be only too happy to get rid of customers with cheap contracts in view of the high purchase prices.

Access to gastronomy, hotels, clubs

From March 4th, the corona restrictions in restaurants and hotels will be relaxed nationwide. Instead of 2G, only 3G should then apply – vaccinated, recovered or tested. Even unvaccinated people are allowed in with a daily updated test. In clubs and discotheques, on the other hand, 2G-Plus applies, i.e. recovered/vaccinated plus test or vaccinated three times without a test.

More people at major events

Also from March 4th, more people should be allowed to attend major events again. Inside, up to 60 percent occupancy and a maximum of 6000 spectators are allowed. Outside, events can take place with up to 75 percent occupancy and a maximum of 25,000 spectators. So much for the nationwide regulation that the federal and state governments have agreed on. Individual federal states could deviate from this, for example Berlin wants to abolish the upper limit of 6000 people for indoor events.

End of the home office obligation

The federal-state conference has planned the next opening steps for March 20th. All “more profound protective measures” should be dropped “if the situation in the hospitals allows it”. This means an end to the home office obligation and the elimination of access restrictions. “Basic protective measures” such as the obligation to wear a mask should continue to apply.

5000 euro bonus for corona vaccination: company pays employees a bonus for the prick

Institution-related compulsory vaccination

From mid-March, the institution-related vaccination requirement applies to employees in clinics, medical practices, nursing homes, outpatient nursing services and similar institutions. Anyone who works in this area – regardless of whether they are carers, cleaners or kitchen workers – must submit proof of vaccination or recovery to their employer by March 15th. Alternatively, a medical certificate is required stating that vaccination is not possible for medical reasons.

Corona bonus tax-free

Employers who want to pay their employees a corona bonus should do so by March 31st. Then the tax exemption for this special payment ends. A total of up to 1,500 euros of Corona bonus can be paid tax-free and non-contributory in one or more installments per employment relationship. Irrespective of this, nursing staff will soon receive a nursing bonus due to the special stress in the intensive care units in the hospitals, but the details have not yet been determined.

Radical hedge trimming prohibited

Finally, I would like to point out to all gardeners that they should be careful when trimming hedges in the coming months: according to the Federal Nature Conservation Act, between March 1st and September 30th it is not permitted to “cut off or plant” hedges. This also applies to “living fences, bushes and other woody plants”. The reason is to protect birds. A “gentle shape and care cut” is allowed all year round.

time change

Oh yes, and the time is changing. On the night of March 26th to 27th, the clock will be put forward from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. Then summer time begins.

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