Thassos and Kavala: On the way in northern Greece – trip

The island of Thassos has a traffic light, a main road and no large hotels – and is therefore far away from the tourist flows. About vacation spots that are rarely found.

About 170 kilometers east of Thessaloniki and 400 kilometers west of Istanbul, a small woman is sitting in the courtyard of her small house in the old town of Kavala, making tablecloths for her grandchildren. Crowds of tourists walk past her every day, Romanians, Bulgarians and now and then a few Germans. They climb the stairs to the citadel to take photos. From the Thracian Sea, from the port and from the pure white jungle of houses that have grown up to the mountains, through which a 60 meter high aqueduct meanders. It’s a stunning view. Anthula Paghida, 96, born in Limnos, mother of three children, grandmother of a group of grandchildren is not bothered by the many visitors, she has got used to them. For 65 years she has lived in the house that sticks like an eagle’s nest just below the citadel.


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