Thammasat University Blockchain Rally joins hands with Chainlink Thailand to organize seminars and give certificates in NFT format

“The new generation is still interested in blockchain.”

Thammasat University Blockchain Rally with ChainLink Thailand and Leica Lab

Participate in seminar activities and give certificates in a new format like NFT via ARmity application from MONSTOPIA.

In this event, Chainlink Thailand together with @Thammasat Blockchain Community and Laika Labs.

Seminar Activities & Networking Meet UP ‼️

“Understanding Blockchain Oracle and Getting Started Your Blockchain Journey”

Open a special classroom for students and anyone interested in learning the basics of the Oracle blockchain 🎤 and hearing real stories about their career journey. From the experts in the field of technology developers in the blockchain industry.

At the event, there were talks and answering questions in a casual, friendly manner. There was also Net-Working, eating KFC & Pizza from the supporters of Chainlink.

at Thammasat University, Rangsit Center

On the 10th of November from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM.

Follow more activities from Chainlink at


Please follow the blockchain congregation at:

#ChainlinkThailand #LaikaLabs

#TUBlockchain #MonsTU #MONSTOPIA

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