#TGIQF – The iMac 25th Anniversary Quiz

25 years ago, Apple introduced the iMac, which showed how computers can also be made: simple, stylish and user-friendly. However, the latter did not apply to expandability: professionals wrinkled their noses at the brightly colored design and the lack of interfaces – in 1998 computers were usually desktop or tower devices that were expanded independently.


Many users who had never dealt with computers before liked the easy access to the Internet and they accessed it in large numbers. Thus, the iMac developed into a bestseller and not only saved the previously crisis-ridden Apple company, but also the “i” as a marketing and product name strategy made its way and became, alongside the apple logo, the most important identification feature for the Cupertino-based company.

Various other variants followed the first iMac and Apple still builds the all-in-one computer to this day, even if it has lost some of its relevance over time due to laptops and tablets. Reason enough for us to send you into the well-deserved weekend with our Friday quiz.

Are you familiar with the iMac? Do you want to play a little? Then join us! In preparation, it is worth reading the reports and comments on the anniversary. We also asked three questions in advance as a head nut in yesterday’s #heiseshow. Two editors staring at questions: Editor Malte Kirchner and editor-in-chief Volker Zota solve tricky iMac nerd questions.

“Thank God It’s Quiz Friday!” Every Friday there is a new quiz from the areas of IT, technology, entertainment or nerd knowledge:

The clock keeps ticking and rewards quick answers. With quick play you can get up to 200 points in 10 questions. The score can be compared with other players in the forum. However, please refrain from using spoilers so as not to spoil the fun of the quiz for other participants. As always, praise and criticism are welcome.

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