Testicles frozen to the railroad track: Man saves raccoons from a predicament

See the video: testicles frozen to the railroad track – man saves raccoons from an awkward situation.

Frozen: This raccoon can’t move.

Neil Mullis, a Georgia railroad worker, starts his shift in the early hours of the morning.

As he walks along the train tracks, he spots a raccoon.

He stands rooted to the rails. Mullis realizes: The animal is frozen solid.

And with an extremely uncomfortable part of his body: his genitals.

The Good Samaritan gently frees the animal with the help of warm water and a shovel.

“After about five minutes, during which I could slowly untie him, he was free. He jumped off the track and ran into the woods without looking back.” — Mullis vs. SWNS.

Mullis and his colleagues couldn’t explain exactly how the raccoon got into this predicament.

All that was left at the end: A video and some frozen fur on the tracks.

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