Test our tool “Vox Populi” to situate yourself in relation to candidates and populist proposals

“Are you a populist? This is the question to which the Cevipof – the Sciences Po Political Research Center – invites you to respond using its political positioning tool “Vox populi – The index of populisms”, launched on Wednesday January 12, 2022 in partnership with West France and 20 minutes.

“This tool is an opportunity for each user to take stock with himself and stimulate personal reflection on the ideas, and not on the controversies of the campaign,” explains Thomas Vitiello, doctor in political science and professor at Sciences Po. And – why not – to discover that the populist proposals are not necessarily the prerogative of the candidates identified as such.

To measure the permeation of populist values ​​on your political positioning, it’s here:

A presidential compass from March 2022

Focus as part of a university research project, this application, which takes the form of a series of questions allowing “everyone to reflect and position themselves on the challenges of this campaign”, feeds the scientific work of the Center for the Study of French Political Life (Cevipof ). “The responses of the participants are used for electoral analysis, analysis of political attitudes and behavior. User responses are absolutely not used for prediction polls, ”explains Thomas Vitiello.

This “compass” will be supplemented, from March, by a second application specifically designed to situate you in relation to the presidential candidates who have gathered the 500 sponsorships. A device of which 20 minutes has been involved since 2012.

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