Tesla: First German car-sharing provider to offer Model 3

electric car
For the first time in Germany: Large car sharing provider offers Tesla

Several Tesla models: The Tesla Model 3 is now available from a car sharing provider for the first time.

© Dylan Stewart/ / Picture Alliance

Tesla electric cars are very popular in Germany. Now, for the first time, a large car-sharing provider has added Tesla models to its portfolio. The cars should soon be available throughout Germany.

Tesla is one of the most popular brands among electric car manufacturers in Germany. So far, however, anyone who wanted to test the models of the American car manufacturer had only a few opportunities to do so: Tesla was not represented by large car rental companies for a long time, only a few private rental companies sensed a deal with their Teslas and opened their own shops.

Car sharing: First provider includes Tesla in the offer

In the car sharing area there was no such thing; Whether it’s Sixt Share, Miles Mobility or Free2Move: you’d look in vain for Tesla models in the providers’ portfolios. You didn’t even have to start with ShareNow: After all, the service provider is a BMW and Daimler company and is therefore very limited in the choice of models.

But now there is movement in the market: Miles Mobility is the first major car sharing provider to announce that it will also offer Tesla models. Specifically, the Model 3 will soon be available as a “premium vehicle” in Miles roadside business areas.

Miles Mobility: who will soon be able to drive a Tesla

However, there is also a catch to the new offer from Miles Mobility. The Tesla models are not available to all Miles customers.

The conditions to be allowed to drive Tesla at Miles Mobility:

  • Drivers must be at least 23 years old
  • The driving license must have been held for at least one year
  • Renters must have completed at least 20 Miles trips

Those who meet these conditions must also expect higher prices than other models. The Tesla Model 3 costs 1.19 euros per kilometer. There is also an unlocking fee of 2 euros per trip. For comparison: An Audi A4 costs 89 cents per kilometer, plus 1 euro in unlocking fees. The daily rent is also significantly higher at 74 euros than for the Audi A4 at 49 euros.

Swell:“Business Insiders”, “miles”


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