Terrorist threat, cyber risk … France facing the challenge of Olympic Games security

France is (already) preparing to host the Olympic and Palympic Games. Organized in three years in Paris, this event, which will attract thousands of spectators from all over the world, is a real challenge in terms of security.

To prepare it, the Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, chaired on Monday a ministerial committee bringing together bosses of the police and the national gendarmerie as well as the prefect Ziad Khoury, national coordinator of the security of the Games. “It was a question of drawing up an inventory of the threats, of sweeping the major issues in terms of security,” explains Place Beauvau. We must mobilize to be ready on time. “

“We will mobilize all of our resources”

“Beyond the party, the Olympics represent a risk,” recently explained Céline Berthon, the central director of public security. Invited at the beginning of October to participate in a round table on the subject during the gala of security directors, the Comptroller General recalled that “the threat is extremely varied, numerous, protean”. There is terrorism “in its Islamist form”, but also protest movements such as “yellow vests” or “antivax”. “We are going to mobilize all of our resources, that’s for sure. I don’t think the police and gendarmes in this country will have much leave in the summer of 2024, ”she predicted.

“There are a number of threats, particularly related to the digital environment, which we cannot know today”, observes for his part the prefect Ziad Khoury, also invited to participate in this round table. “We have to organize ourselves so that the system is sufficiently robust, and if we cannot prevent an attack, limit the impact of the attacks. “Authorities and organizers are also looking for” means of prevention to fight against malicious drones “, also indicated the national coordinator of the security of the Games, who pleads for the use” of technologies such as artificial intelligence in a very controlled way “In order to” detect abnormal situations more easily “.

20,000 to 25,000 security guards

One of the remaining questions concerns “the division of powers”. “We will take care of the security of places welcoming the public, but in the stadiums, or in the filtering areas, it is private security”, explains to 20 minutes the minister’s entourage. “The state and the police will not be able to do everything”, admitted Céline Berthon. “The Olympic Games are 13.5 million visitors, 10,500 athletes, 4,500 Paralympic athletes, around 40 competition venues and around 100 non-competition venues. These are all private security needs ”, underlined during the same round table Thomas Collomb, deputy director for security of Paris 2024. Between 20,000 and 25,000 security agents could be hired during the competition.

Another challenge: the organization and security of the opening ceremony which will take place on the Seine, as President Macron wanted. A project deemed “unreasonable” by the Paris police prefect, Didier Lallement, who wonders how to ensure the safety of spectators over such a great distance. We must act quickly: according to The Parisian, the outline for the opening ceremony must be finalized before December 15, the date of the IOC’s next security visit to Paris. The newspaper specifies that the number of boats planned on the river has been reduced, from 200 to 162 boats.

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