Terrorist gang NSU: The closest confidante no longer wants to be a neo-Nazi – politics

André Eminger, the closest confidant of the NSU terrorist gang, no longer wants to be a “National Socialist through and through”. He’s now in an opt-out program.

Anyone who stands in front of the house of the Eminger family in the small Saxon town of Kirchberg on the rushing Rödelbach does not immediately get the idea who lives here. A mobile made of butterflies hangs in the window of the children’s room, and a little witch greets at the door, holding a sign with the inscription “Welcome”. When the SZ stopped by here in autumn 2021, it quickly became apparent that the word “Welcome” was not meant seriously. Beefy neighbors soon appeared. Strangers: undesirable. Because here on Rödelbach lives a man who was previously an icon of the right-wing extremist scene: the closest confidant of the NSU terrorist gang, André Eminger. His lawyer said during the pleadings in the NSU trial that his client was a “National Socialist through and through”. Eminger nodded proudly.

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