Terrorist attack in Israel: Two dead in attack in Tel Aviv

Status: 08.04.2022 00:19

At least two people were killed and several seriously injured in a gun attack in Tel Aviv, according to doctors. According to the police, “a terrorist” opened fire and then fled on foot.

At least two people were killed and several injured in an attack in central Tel Aviv. The Ichilov Hospital in the Israeli metropolis reports that it has taken in ten people injured in the attack. Two of them died despite all medical efforts, and four others are in mortal danger.

The Israeli rescue service Magen David Adom said a total of 16 injured people were taken to local hospitals. A police spokesman told Channel 13 that “a terrorist” opened fire at close range and then fled on foot. The spokesman called on the population to stay indoors. “Don’t stick your head out the window.”

Heavily armed units searched for the perpetrator in downtown Tele Aviv.

Image: AFP

Witnesses told AFP news agency they heard gunshots. They reported chaotic scenes in central Tel Aviv. “There is a wartime atmosphere, with soldiers and police officers everywhere. People are crying and running in all directions,” said Binyamin Blum, who works at a restaurant near the site of the attack.

Several attacks in the past few weeks

It was the fourth attack in Israel in two weeks. In Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv, a Palestinian attacker killed five people at the end of March, including two ultra-Orthodox Jews, two Ukrainians who had lived in Israel for a long time, and an Israeli-Arab police officer.

Just a few days earlier, two police officers were killed in the northern Israeli city of Hadera. The terrorist organization “Islamic State” (IS) claimed responsibility for this attack. On March 22, a man killed four people with a knife and a car in Beersheba, southern Israel. The man also had connections to the IS militia.

After these attacks, Israeli security forces arrested dozens of people in Israel suspected of having links to IS. The Israeli army also stepped up operations in the occupied West Bank, particularly in Jenin, where the Bnei Brak attacker came from. At least three members of the radical Islamic Jihad organization were killed in the attack last week.

Dead in Tel Aviv attack

Tim Aßmann, ARD Tel Aviv, April 8, 2022 00:39 a.m

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