“Terminal” on Canal+ did not convince fans of the “H” series, to their great regret

Canal+ The “Terminal” series on Canal+ did not convince “H” fans.


The “Terminal” series on Canal+ did not convince “H” fans.

TELEVISION – A pale copy. This is what fans of the series thought. H, broadcast more than 20 years ago on television, after the broadcast of the first two episodes of Jamel Debbouze’s new sitcom called Terminal this Monday April 22 on Canal+.

On the same concept as H which took place in a hospital, Terminal takes viewers into the daily life of airport employees: pilot, stewardesses and stewards, security agents but also team manager work side by side every day. All with star actors and comedians: Ramzy Bedia, Tristan Lopin and Bérangère McNeese

Except that the jokes often fell flat, to the great regret of fans of H. “It was supposed to be as good as H, Terminal ???!!! »asks an Internet user, as you can see below. “Never compare this thing with H again”adds another.

The absence of Éric Judor noted

Some did not mince their words and simply found this new production by Jamel Debbouze “lamentable” And “totally broken”.

Viewers not convinced by the proposal judged that recorded laughter – the sitcom format was brought up to date by Jamel Debbouze – did not work and was completely out of fashion. Others, finally, noticed that a major comedian was missing: Éric Judor, Ramzy Bedia’s sidekick, who was present in H.

H had existed for four seasons and 71 episodes had been broadcast between 1998 and 2002. At this point, it is difficult to imagine such a bright future for Terminal.

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