Tensions on Palestine at the head of Valérie Hayer’s list

Already faced with difficult polls, Valérie Hayer must now also face problems from her own camp. Number 2 on the Macronist list in the European elections of June 9, Bernard Guetta in fact spoke out on Monday for recognition by France of “the existence of a Palestinian state”, a position against which his N.1 has distanced himself in the evening.

After Spain, Ireland and Norway, should France in turn recognize the State of Palestine? “In my eyes, yes,” replied Bernard Guetta without hesitation on Sud Radio, “because it is a factor in accelerating a resumption of negotiations.”

For Bernard Guetta “it’s about being pro-peace”

According to number two, “it is not a question of being pro-Palestinian or pro-Israeli, it is a question of being pro-peace, of forcing the leaders of these two peoples to sit down at a negotiating table”.

Issue ? Valérie Hayer does not see things the same way. In the evening, during a debate on BFMTV, she considered that “the conditions are not met” for such recognition, while recalling her desire to achieve “a two-state solution”.

A position that is debated in the presidential camp

For Bernard Guetta, the objective must be “to achieve the coexistence of two States” and “we can help this process by saying ‘we recognize in advance, even before the borders are defined, we recognize in the principle of the existence of a Palestinian state”.

The former journalist, however, is not the first to defend this position in the presidential camp. At the beginning of April, former Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian had already considered it necessary to “take actions of this type to move forward in Israel”.

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