Tensions around the Fos-sur-Mer oil depot

Incidents erupted this Tuesday at the end of the morning in front of the oil depot of Fos-sur-Mer, near Marseille, where the authorities proceeded to the first requisitions of personnel on strike against the pension reform.

Several hundred trade unionists, mainly from the CGT, had gathered in front of the depot “in support” of the requisitioned strikers, blocking one of the accesses to the site and lighting pallet fires, noted AFP journalists.

face to face tense

At the end of the morning, the protesters wanted to go to another access, through which tank trucks were entering the depot. But it was protected by CRS and a tense face-to-face ensued, with exchanges of throwing projectiles and tear gas canisters which made the protesters retreat. According to the Bouches-du-Rhône police headquarters, two CRS were injured. According to our information, a photojournalist was also beaten by a protester.

At midday, this tense face-to-face continued. At the start of the day, the demonstrators headed for the Fos depot during snail operations, in particular aboard dozens of blue vehicles with the Enedis logo and adorned with banners protesting against the pension reform, such as “Macron your reform in your ass. Striking. No at 64.

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