Ten years required on appeal against a woman accused of killing her violent partner

Ten years in prison were required Saturday on appeal to the Eure assizes against Alexandra Richard, 43, accused of having killed her violent partner in 2016, and who had been sentenced to this sentence at first instance . In November 2020, the public prosecutor had requested the same sentence of ten years imprisonment, but for “willful violence resulting in death without intention to give it” while the Advocate General chose Saturday the qualification of “murder”.

“It can’t be willful violence without the intention of giving it, it’s murder. She obviously has extenuating circumstances, that’s for sure. But we cannot kill in this context, ”said Advocate General Patrice Lemonnier on Saturday.

Blows and threats

Alexandra Richard was sentenced in November 2020 by the Seine-Maritime Assize Court for the murder, with a hunting rifle, of her 36-year-old spouse on October 16, 2016, at their home in Montreuil-en-Caux. The latter, in a state of intoxication, had just risen from his chair, threatening to “kick his ass”, she explained.

On the day of the tragedy, her husband began to drink at noon and the accused told her that she was going to leave him, according to her.

“The more time passes, the more she adds”

During his indictment, the Advocate General considered that the accused, mother of three children, had “a difficulty with reality”.

“Alexandra Richard has developed elements of aggression, death threats that are not verifiable. The more time passes, the more she adds, ”said Patrice Lemonnier. “Someone had to pull the trigger. That day, she pulled the trigger, ”he said.

The attorney general admitted that the victim, who had been convicted in 1999 for having shot a rival in love, could have bouts of violence. “We know he could be verbally violent. When he was drunk and upset he could go on the punch, ”he said.


One of the two lawyers for the accused, Me Quentin Dekimpe, pleaded for self-defense. “If she grabbed that gun, it was to defend herself. Self-defense against this man who could have killed her. If you are asked the question about self-defense, you will answer yes, ”he said, addressing the jurors.

“The fluctuations in Madame Richard’s versions are not linked to a maneuver: it is the result of trauma, fear, deficiencies in the collection of her words”, also declared Me Dekimpe.

The verdict of this trial, which began on Tuesday in Évreux, is expected on Saturday.

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