Ten people killed in heavy rains

Bad weather has hit Colombia dramatically. Ten people, mostly women, were killed in a landslide caused by heavy rains in the southwest of the country.

On the night of Monday to Tuesday, a mudslide and rocks buried two homes in Mallama, a town of 7,000 inhabitants in the department of Narino near the border with Ecuador, according to an official of the regional administration, Jader. Gaviria, in charge of disaster management.

Eight women among the victims

“Unfortunately, four people have died so far,” Jader Gaviria said at midday. Later in the afternoon, the rescue services reassessed the death toll at ten, including eight women, some of whom were of Venezuelan nationality.

Nine people were rescued, two of whom are seriously injured, but “it is assumed that other people are still trapped,” said Jader Gaviria. The two buried dwellings housed a small inn, a bar and a billiard room. The flow also cut a section of the national road, which the bulldozers were trying to clear.

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