“Ten jobs” in one tour of the Old Port? Yes, but “employment contracts are special”

“I promise you: I’m going around the Old Port tonight with you, I’m sure there are ten job offers”, promised this Monday Emmanuel Macron to a Marseillaise whose son is visibly struggling to find work. A small punchline in line with that of 2018: “I cross the street and I find you a job. » 20 minutes therefore went to the brasseries, bars, and restaurants of this tourist hotspot in Marseille to ask the crucial question of hiring the managers.

And, indeed, there is work: “We’re always looking for it,” agrees Robert, owner of a pizzeria. To turn full, we would have to be 15, but there I have to close three days of the week at noon. It was the same already in July and August. » Although he receives a lot of CVs, Robert does not try the adventure every time: « sometimes, we waste more time getting behind them. And there, I have a little one who was there last week but who hasn’t come back. ” Wages ? “Ten euros an hour”, about “100 euros with tips per evening from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.”, explains the owner between two phone calls: “Hey, Mario, can you come tomorrow noon? “.

An unfavorable collective agreement

“I would say that if Macron had come in April-May, he would have found at least 20 jobs,” adds a bar-restaurant owner located on the quay side of the town hall. He has his full team for the season but he has just opened a second restaurant in Lecques, a seaside resort in the Var that he is struggling to provide with employees. One of his neighbors is also complete, at least more or less: “And who are we going to hire? It’s a job and the qualified people are already in the job”, estimates from his counter this bartender who has done a CAP in cooking and bartending training, “five years of study, almost”. They rotate to four permanent and eight seasonal.

Amandine is responsible for a restaurant. She is looking for five people to complete her summer team and has her own idea of ​​why the profession is struggling to recruit: “employment contracts are special, night work is not increased, overtime either, so maybe that work just doesn’t pay enough anymore and that some prefer, and it’s rational, to receive the RSA, the CAF and do a little black. »

A kind of restaurant “Tinder”

A rational calculation ofhomo economicus, the man of the 21st century, perhaps accentuated by the reform of unemployment insurance. Since the latter, a season as an employee is no longer enough to open rights. So, to remedy this labor shortage, Jean-Baptiste Vignau, the boss of Baletti, a bar-restaurant located on the quay opposite the town hall, launched the Xtras application with two companions. Life this kind of “Tinder” of the restaurant industry, employers and candidates can match to get a job as a waiter, be arman, cook or other extras. Currently “more than 15 missions are in progress on the Old Port, if we include the neighboring course of Estienne d’Orves”, details Baptiste Vignau. In one year, the application has given rise to 1,800 concrete connections, which have resulted in permanent contracts, fixed-term contracts and also extras contracts.

With his punchline, Emmanuel Macron somehow betrayed his vision of a world of work with rotating jobs. Marrying the one touched on in 2014 by Laurence Parisot, the boss of the Medef: “Life, health, love are precarious, why should work escape this law? “. But it would seem that, from the point of view of employees, too much precariousness is not desirable. And not super efficient.

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