Ten deputies ask for an “emergency plan” from Pap Ndiaye

They were almost full. Ten deputies (Nupes) from Seine-Saint-Denis, out of the twelve in the department, asked the Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye, Friday in Bobigny, “emergency measures” in the face of insufficient recruitment of teachers for the next school year, in a popular department already penalized by the non-replacement of teachers.

During a meeting at the prefecture, the parliamentarians expressed to Pap Ndiaye their concerns about the “unprecedented nature” of the start of the school year. “The Minister (Pap Ndiaye) recognizes that the return to school in September will be done with the means at hand. Problem, the means at hand will not be enough, “said Jérôme Legavre, deputy (POI) for the 12th district, to AFP.

“We fill holes with personnel that we find here and there”

“In the first degree in the recruitment competition for school teachers for the Créteil academy, there were 2,165 vacancies. There are just over 900 school teachers who have been admitted. That’s 1,200 missing,” he said. The deputies ask for the holding of an exceptional competition open from the license, and not from the master 2 as at present, in order to widen the possibilities of recruitment.

“The minister hears our speech well and knows that there are a lot of things wrong” but gave “no viable answer”, said Fatiha Keloua-Hachi, MP (PS) for the 8th constituency and previously literature teacher. The only option to make up for the lack of staff: resort to contract workers. “We fill holes with staff that we find here and there,” she regretted.

“A teacher in front of each class” at the start of the school year

The twelve deputies of Seine-Saint-Denis were elected under the label of Nupes. The elected officials present also raised “the particularly alarming situation” of the lack of support for students with disabilities (AESH).

Seine-Saint-Denis is already facing a chronic problem of non-replacement of teachers. These absences cause a student to lose the equivalent of a year of schooling, according to the federation of parents of FCPE 93 students. Nationally, more than 4,000 positions have not been filled this year in teacher competitions, reflecting unprecedented difficulties, particularly linked to a crisis in the attractiveness of the profession. Minister Pap Ndiaye, however, reaffirmed that there would be “a teacher in front of each class” at the start of the school year.

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