Ten departments will experience the end of class closures

The list of ten departments that will experiment with the new health protocol at school, consisting of no longer closing a class from the first positive case for Covid-19 and testing all students, isolating only positive cases, has been stopped. Are concerned by this experiment: Aisne, Ariège, Côte-d’Or, Landes, Manche, Morbihan, Moselle, Rhône, Val-d’Oise and Var, specified the ministry. of National Education,
confirming information from Parisian. For the moment, the date of the installation is not yet fixed.

Half of these departments are among the 47 for which the mask will no longer be compulsory in primary school for students from Monday due to an incidence rate stabilized at less than 50 per 100,000 inhabitants. The mask will remain compulsory for adults present at the school. This experiment, announced on Tuesday, is in line with an opinion issued in mid-September by the Scientific Council which recommended systematic and weekly screening for Covid-19 in primary school to isolate only positive cases.

As part of this experiment, if parents refuse the test, the child “will be considered positive precisely for not having accepted the test,” said Jean-Michel Blanquer. The protocol currently in force provides that a case of Covid-19 in a primary school class leads to its closure. For contaminations in middle or high school, students with unvaccinated contact cases must isolate themselves for one week.

On Thursday, less than 1,700 classes (1,692) were closed because of the Covid-19 epidemic, a figure down from last week and which represents 0.32% of the country’s classes, the ministry of National Education.

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